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A skincare knowledge sharing community.

The Beauty Club was set up with the central theme of knowledge ‘sharing’. We host beauty events with leading skincare and beauty brands to not only educate our community but also give them the chance to network with and meet like minded people they can learn from and share their beauty and skincare tips with.

The website shares educational articles focused on skincare and beauty - we also share honest product reviews from users with different skin types and concerns and bite size education content on our Instagram.


About the Founder

Adelé Francesca is the founder of The Beauty Club and is a qualified VTCT Level 2 Skincare Consultant based in London. She has 5 years experience working in consumer facing companies.

I started The Beauty Club as I didn’t have any knowledge of skincare products or ingredients - only those that I saw promoted on social by brands or influencers. I didn’t understand the health and scientific side of skincare - the benefits of understanding your skin type and conditions and what ingredients existed to tackle just that. When I read and educated myself more on the topic I found it fascinating and wanted to learn more.

The ‘club’ element came when I noticed that alot of my peers shared this misunderstanding or that they wanted to know about it but didn’t know where to begin. At this point I had educated myself abit more and suddenly they were all coming to me for advise - people learn from peers and like minded people so I wanted to create a community where you could network and meet skin pals with similar skin types and concerns as you all whilst learning and educating yourself.

Education and Community is at the core of The Beauty Club.